Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Part of the Story

A sad but important element of this whole 'reform' movement is based on the allegation that education is messed up - low standardized test scores - because of poor teaching, teacher unions and anything that has to do with the teacher. Want proof of this? All you have to do is take a look at the fact that many districts and states are pushing to have teachers largely evaluated based on how students score on standardized tests.

As I have indicated in past blogs, that scores aren't low and in most cases American standardized test scores have risen in recent years.

Why on earth would anyone who knows anything about educating young people and the complexities of life think that basing a teacher's rating on test scores of children even remotely comes close to assessing the worth of their teaching? It defies common sense. It also defies everything we know about the multiple causes of learning and the many factors that may inhibit learning.

Yes, part of why I blog is to help slow down these cries for so called 'accountability.' To those who don't understand educating young people please hear this message. Not everything in life - including learning and growth - is quantifiable. It never has been.


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