Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Another Sad Episode

It's been less than one year since the horror of Sandy Hook. Yesterday's school shooting in Nevada marked the thirteenth since that tragic day. There seemed to be little talk of the incident in public cirles and, for that matter, in the mainstream media.

I often go to schools and you can almost always see signs declaring the grounds to be either 'smoke free' or tobacco free.' That's all and good. With the mass gun deaths that seem to keep piling up it's time for the vast majority of Americans to speak up and demand action. It's fine to be 'smoke free,' 'tobacco free,' 'bully free' or 'drug free.' Don't get me wrong, it is important to address these issues.

So I'll say it. Other than polic officers or trained security personnel, guns, knives and other weapons have absolutely no place in any school setting, no matter the location of the school. Parents, educators, students, the general community, lobby groups and government officials of all political persuasions must come together and prohibit such weapons from entering our schools. The safety of our children and fellow citizens is at stake.

Enough already!

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