Thursday, October 24, 2013

It Doesn't Have to be this Way

I get a kick out of the critics out their who have their own version of what is taking place in education these days. It's as if all you have to do is create a charter, select school or issue vouchers and all is well. Here's the's tough work.

In the past couple of days I have chatted with friends and colleagues in addition to witnessing the news.

Let's start with the national news front. Within the past two weeks there have been two separate school shootings. How very tragic that the safety of schools is in jeopardy. In terms of chatting with friends, here is what is taking place.

Teachers are being told how to create curriculum by those outside the classroom. I had a teacher, staying late in the day yesterday, who became aware of a student(s) stealing the work of other students. That's a story never talked about. Another teacher was talking about how disruptive the students were at the Pep Assembly and the lack of help from others.

Check with a number of staff and see what it is like to adapt curriculum, tests, and projects to meet the needs of students who need additional services. Teachers break their backs to make accommodations that you would never believe. Heck, teachers are even told to kick out a student from their class just to make room for a student who needs accommodations. What a joke.

Still other teachers are, in fact, nurses simply because the school doesn't have a nurse on that day of the week. And what do you think it is like trying to assist students who are failing every subject or may, god forbid, talk about committing suicide.

The loudest critics don't have a clue about what it's like in today's schools.


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