Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Today It's More than the 3 R's

It used to be as easy as 'readin, riting, rithmatic.' Not so these days!

It's not a matter of the above being right or wrong. There are more ways of teaching other than the tradition 'stand and deliver.' There are more tools of the trade...Chrome books, white boards, black boards (chalk boards anyone?), google docs and on and on. Then again teachers are expected to map, have common assessments, create course/school curriculum alignment and more.

Add to the above IEP's, 504 plans and the fact that multiple levels of students may be in a single classroom with multiple paraprofessionals. Today there are way more emails and texts of students and parents to respond to. And of course there are those dastardly standardized tests along with rising expectations.

Like it or not, it's the way of a teacher's world.

So, just one thing from this end this morning. I want to express my thanks to America's teachers!!


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