Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hurting Education and Harming Students

The long standing tradition of public schools offering a broad and inclusive curriculum has long been undergoing a wreaking ball. Like a building being dismantled so to are we witnessing - I hasten to add - the harm being done to our students and the entire education system. Don't take my word for it, take a look at the trend.

Forty or fifty years ago we had strong tech programs throughout the country. I live in the Chicago area and we had 4,000 students at Chicago Vocational. Even larger numbers of students attended Lane Tech. You could find this same attendance pattern at other schools throughout urban and rural America.

Just two days ago the Ames, IA school system announced that they would no longer offer Family and Consumer Science classes (formerly Home Economics). Ames also happens to be home to Iowa State University which offers one of the best FACS programs in the country.

This is but a tip of the iceberg!!! And all of this is taking place when the citizens of the country are asking where are the carpenters, the mechanics, agriculture workers, the welders, the seamstresses, the plumbers, the cooks, the electricians. Of course that only a part of the problem. FACS and other so called 'electives' are the very courses needed to survive.

Do I think we are heading in the wrong direction in many respects? YES, sadly yes


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