Thursday, January 17, 2019

More Harm to Education

Yesterday I lamented the loss of 'elective' courses. Well friends, this is done at the peril of everyone. There is at least a two general reasons why it's foolish to harm the electives. One has to do with the value of the electives, the other with respect to the harm it causes our country.

It is well documented that a child's growth is aided substantially through Music and the Arts. Like climate change this is no longer up for debate. So limiting or eliminating such programs goes against the very mission of education.

Raising a child, preparing meals, being able to do some essential work around your home and more are also critical tangible skills and they are tasks that an individual learns in school. We don't have to hire people to do such work. They are skills that schools have been long been adept at providing. Again, bidding good bye to these programs makes no sense.

And why is this taking place? Is there really too little money in the midst of a relative economic boom? Or is the obsession that everyone goes to college a driving force? We will tackle these questions and examine the harm caused to our country by putting valuable 'elective' programs on the chopping block.

Those in charge might well want to take stock of what they are doing!


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