Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Poverty Hits Rochester Hard

Rochester, New York once had 60,000 Kodak employees. It was a thriving company just as was Xerox. Earlier this year Xerox closed ist downtown campus and Kodak has seen it best days given the fact that the company went bankrupt in 2012.

For those who wonder why 50% of the Rochester school children between the ages of 5 and 17 are living in property one needs to go no further than examining the cataclysmic downturn of these two companies. Jobs are Kodak and Xerox provided employees with excellent paying jobs.

That meant that families, including school age children, enjoyed good living conditions; access to healthy food, good housing, great health care, plenty of job benefits, excellent schools and much more. Much of this is now gone in part to be replaced with lower paying service jobs.

No wonder many in Rochester are reeling.


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