Thursday, October 26, 2017

More DeVos

As if it wasn't bad enough that Education Secretary DeVos chose to do away with 72 protections for children with disabilities one shouldn't disregard her other efforts to harm or perhaps even dismantle public education. Secretary DeVos has made it clear that nothing is off the table.

Earlier this year, under her leadership and approval, the department did away with many protections of civil rights violations in public schools and universities. In short, the potential victims of alleged crimes were denied various protections. That should make students and parents nervous as hell.

Prior to leading the Dept. of Education Ms. DeVos was busy in Michigan doing her best to reduce the role of unions in schools. It shouldn't be lost on anyone that the legislature of the state has essentially ended the pensions of its teachers.

Make no mistake about it, Ms. DeVos record with respect to enhancing and improving public education leaves a great deal to be desired.

And what will come of it? My guess is that our nations public school teachers don't have the time to deal with this lady as they are too busy doing their best in the classroom.


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