Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wrecking Ball

The United States Department of Education, under Betsy DeVos, recently rescinded 72 policy documents that outlined the rights of students with disabilities. The Office of Special Educcation and Rehabilitation Services, within the Dept. of Ed., said that the documents were dropped because they were either "oudated, unnecessary or ineffective. To this I say... then update them or make them more effective!

Elizabeth Hill, a spokesperson for Secretary DeVos remarked "Students with disabilities and their advocates will see NO impact on services provided."

From my vantage point it seems both alarming and confusing that ALL 72 policy documents are suddenly not needed. All 72? You mean that not even one of these Bush and Obama era provisions isn't needed? That's difficult to fathom! It was hard enough to get the legislation passed and adhered to in the first place and now this almost overnight dismantling?!

It is difficult to keep up with the cutting in the Dept. of Education that has helped children and it's even more difficult to imagine the impact that is about to take place.


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