Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Education and Property Taxes - Part 3

Let's say that the residents and a Board of Education in some local Illinois public school district decides to cut property taxes. Now what happens? Have they thought through the effects of their decision and the totality of the impact of the cuts for years to come.

So you cut the revenue from property taxes by 3%, 7% or the maximum of 10%. Can you ever recover that money? The answer is NO! Will the State of Illinois see to it that they make up the difference? The answer is almost assuredly NO!

If elective programs are scaled back or eliminated (it will likely be so called electives harmed more than so called core course/programs) will they be reconstituted later on? Most of us know that won't be the case.

And here's the real rub with cutting property tax revenue if it occurs. Whenever any worthwhile program, be it academic, activity or athletic, is scaled back or eliminated the students will be the ones to suffer. And that my friends ought to be the real issue or concern.


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