Monday, November 13, 2017

Schools Count Appreciation Dinner

You need not be a volunteer or donor to be a part of our 'Appreciation Dinner' which is coming up in just one week! To learn more about the work of our charity with respect to helping schools please feel free to join us. This is a wonderful meal (free of course), time to meet generous donors/volunteers and an opportunity to meet many of the people we work with in the Chicago area.

Just shoot me an email ( with the name(s) of those attending and I'll be sure to make a reservation for you.

The 'Appreciation Dinner' will be held at the Hinsdale Community House (corner of Madison and 8th Streets in Hinsdale) on Monday, November 20th commencing at 6:30 pm. You are bound to enjoy the food, people and the music played by member of the Medgar Evers Band, a band which we largely supported this past year.

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you!


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