Monday, March 13, 2017

Public Education - The Long Road

For each of us, from the beginning, the need to become educated is one of the great beauties of our nation. We place a premium on (or at least we ought to) the members of our society being able to act in a thoughtful manner, respecting the rights of others, upholding our ideals, engaging in and protecting our liberties and so much more.

There are many forces at work that do the above; family, civic organizations, religious affiliations, the community, various laws/regulations and, of course, the enterprise of education.

And throughout our history public education has surely had a profound impact on America. At any one point in time we can certainly point to some aspect(s) of pubic education which must adapt to change and respond to its citizenry. But from the first moments a child enters a school to their last days of formal education, the long road of educating Americans is one that justifies our very course, our very civilization. For without the precious institution of public education we surely would not be endowed with the abundance that most have achieved.

It must be said that we have do our very best to see to it that public education flourishes for ALL.


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