Wednesday, March 1, 2017

More Charters Ahead for CPS?

Despite a new teacher's contract that caps CPS accepting new charters, 17 organizations have officially kicked off their desire to open as many as 20 new charter schools in Chicago. The process is a long one and there is every probability that many of these planned schools won't open but that's not stopping these companies.

The firms typically start the process of establishing a charter by submitting a 'Letter of Intent' though this is not a requirement. It will take the better part of a year to submit all of the rest of the paperwork. Most of those seeking to open a charter are looking at opening in the fall of 2018.

Currently 58,000 children in Chicago attend charter schools and it does appear as though the number will grow at some time in the future. As long as none of the current charters close, according to the deal worked out with CTU, an additional 9 charter could be added. If that happens there will be less funding for the neighborhood school in that particular area.

Whether a school is a charter or the traditional neighborhood building the fact remains...there are financial woes ahead for each type of organization.


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