Friday, March 10, 2017

Chicago Schools on the Rise

Mention Chicago and someone is bound to talk about the tragedy of so many gun deaths. And while it is true that gun violence is a significant problem which needs addressing, that one fact obscures the major gains made in the city's public schools. A recent piece by the New York Times (the entire link is below) pointed out that the city reading and math scores showed the most significant gains of any big city in America between 2011-15. Those scores were up a whopping 3.7%

And it's not just math and reading that has revealed great growth. A report put out by CPS indicates that 2/3's of the schools are rated as strong or excelling in the Arts.

I don't want to take away from your reading the piece, which I highly recommend, but the Times article gets to a more substantive issue involving what happens in schools in Chicago and elsewhere in America on a daily basis. That critical element, which often gets glossed over, revolves around the school principal.

I hope you will take the time to read this wonderful piece!!


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