Thursday, March 23, 2017

Do I Have This Right

Lets see...there's a bill in Congress to do away with the Dept. of Education and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget says that doing away with certain programs is fine since they don't help kids (paraphrasing as I covered this over the past couple of days). Mind you, this is in conjuction with the Dept. of Education pushing vouchers very hard.

Yes, vouchers allow someone to choose where to go to school. Okay, we've got that. But possessing a voucher is no assurance that a child who comes from a neighborhood of blight, poverty, unemployment and additional environmental negative influences/factors simply means a family can shop around. In fact, the introduction of vouchers into such areas may likely not result in a child benefitting in the least. One thing is certain, the neighborhood public schools will see fewer dollars.

Robbing neighborhood public schools of funding is already a serious problem and taking additional funds, whether from local/state/federal sources, will simply further exacerbate what is already a crisis. Here's one educator saying NO to vouchers!


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