Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Useless Courses - Part II

And just what does a NBC survey/poll prove or attempt to validate by criticizing the various Arts? Good question but what I know, and I will say, as a former teacher, I know, is that the arts alluded to by the NBC are the very ones that have much to do with problem solving, deep thinking, creativity and reflection.

These are qualities that should reside in all of us, period. They are the skills and thought processes that enable one to find resolutions to problems, to be able to find new ways to work with others and they have their place in our economic, social and culturally well-being. In short the Arts are indispensable.

In this day and age of short-term attention spans, cost effectiveness, high stakes testing, getting the best paying job (not necessarily a bad thing) and being efficient, the Arts offer a counter weight or balance that enables one, and our collective population, to make wise and thoughtful decisions, to foster wisdom in the face of 'I want an answer right now,' and to do so mindful of others and their ideas.

School and college Arts Programs AREN'T useless.


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