Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Giving Tuesday

There are plenty of great schools out there. District #86 has two such schools, Hinsdale South and Hinsdale Central. Though they are terrific schools where students are thriving, there are also a number of students who are homeless and are part of the federal government's free and reduced lunches. In fact, there are a large number of such students, 75 homeless and 641 in the latter category.

Their needs are great and we are raising money through our 'Go Fund Me' initiative. To make a donation simply go to the website, www.gofundme.com and type in the word 'Pircon' where its says search. You will see our endeavor which says D86: Neighbors in Need and "We rise by lifting others."

Let's lift up those who could benefit from a helping hand. Whether its clothing, school supplies, gym uniforms or a prom dress/tux, these hard working students would be able to be that much more successful at our schools.

Thank you,

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