Friday, November 18, 2016

A Well Rounded Person

I think the vast majority of us could agree upon the idea that they would like to see their son/daughter be a well rounded person. I'll let you come up with your own definition or criteria for such a person. One thing is for certain, the more well rounded people we have in the world, I believe, we will be all the better.

That's one of the reasons that I am adamantly opposed to the over emphasis on STEM...Science, Technology, English and Math. There is certainly every reason to support each one of these curriculum. No argument here in terms of the need for each of these. My point is that STEM is often used as the 'holy grail' for a top education and producing, so to speak, a top notch student. In my view, nothing could be further from the truth.

A well rounded person is what we need to shoot for and having a public school, or private for that matter, that puts an over reliance on any area of ones education works to the detriment of seeing to it that we have well rounded students.


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