Monday, November 28, 2016

News Flash

The number of unions in America has been dwindling for many decades. And, as a former teacher and someone still engaged in education, I have first hand information and knowledge on teacher associations and unions. Are you ready for this? They aren't a problem nor do they stop progress in the classroom.

To hear soon-to-be Secretary of Education, Ms. Devos, talk about unions, one would think that the future of education in America is doomed if we don't get rid of them. If unions are such a problem, why is it that Hinsdale Township District #86, Stevenson High, Skaneateles Central, New Trier, Naperville Unit District, Lyons Township and hundreds more/thousands more, perform so well if unions are the alleged problem?

No, I want an answer to the above. Unions don't prevent progress, they are often on the cutting edge of real progress in the classroom.


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