Saturday, August 6, 2016

Welcome Back!!

After a few weeks in beautiful Upstate NY, it is time to rev up the engines for another school year. It's already off to a great start as many of our wonderful volunteers spent the past week delivering supplies to CPS, Harvey and Crestwood, IL schools. Nearly forty deliveries in all!!!

A special thanks to all of the following for making the week happen...Earl McMahon, Don Mack, Dawn Oler, Sarah Steinke, McKenzie Steinke, Eva Nigro, Sheralynn Kellough, Annette DeAngelis, The Fehrman Family (and friends), Ethan Ruth, Valerie Ruth, Jaelyn Ruth, Len Serwat, Ann Scott, Joan Brandeis, Kathy Gabric, Catie Gabric, the many ADM volunteers (10 of them in all!), Rosemary Grant, Barb Plantz, Donna Manning, Terry Meyers, Teri Archam, and the volunteers at Nathan Hale.

As I've said before, there are those who say they will do something and there are those who simply do. I am most grateful for those of you who spent these past days working to help the thousands of children served by Schools Count. Many thanks!!


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