Tuesday, August 23, 2016

It Always Takes More than Cash

Those who bemoan the misconceived notion, with regard to school funding where poverty exists, that all we are doing is 'throwing good money after bad' are looking at but one element which impacts an entire school and community. Sadly, those who throw out such epitaphs need to consider that the causes of despair and the depth of problems encountered in schools where local blight runs deep have to consider the total long term social, economic and human needs of the citizens.

We aren't throwing 'good money after bad.' Where unemployment, underemployment, low property values, substandard wages and more exist then the issues surrounding education and funding it become more interconnected. And while its true that money alone won't fix education problems it points out the need for a comprehensive look at all the issues faced by schools of which they are but a portion of.

But without an infusion of cash for our depressed areas, including the schools, in this country think of where we would be!


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