Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Say It Ain't So

Last night I attended the Hinsdale District #86 Board of Education. In part, it was a large gathering as a number of parents voiced their concern about possibly putting a referendum on the November ballot to seek over $70 million for work at both Hinsdale South and Hinsdale Central. The proponents of nixing the referendum also spoke of adding more students to Hinsdale South to alleviate crowding at Hinsdale Central.

A couple of people spoke of the large size of Central as an element that likely makes it impossible to address the social and emotional (not to mention others) needs of the students. Let me be clear, the staff at BOTH schools work diligently to address the needs of every student who steps through the doors at South and Central. I am a witness to the vast number of the faculty who aren't afraid to 'go above and beyond' to help ALL students. To suggest otherwise, 'ain't so.'


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