Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What do Teachers Make?

Of course, many people want to know "how much do teachers make?" Of course the question is always posed as a dollar amount and there is commonly a snarky comment or leading idea that "teachers make too much"

Well, since people want to know what teachers make, I will tell you, from experience and from watching my fellow colleagues over the past few decades, how much teachers make.

Teachers make believers out of students. Often teachers make students see that the choices they make are significant now and well into the future. Teachers make extraordinary efforts to help their charges come to understand that their futures can be impacted for the better through education. Teachers gladly make sacrifices for the kids and teachers make it a point to avail themselves to help young people long after students have been in their classes.

Quite simply, the next time someone asks you "how muchdto teachers make,?" tell them that they make a difference in the lives of young people.


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