Monday, February 9, 2015

Springing into Action

Okay, so it isn't spring yet...not by any stretch of the imagination!! But, in a few short weeks, Schools Count will be reaching out to past donors, friends and neighbors as we start our once-a-year solicitation of funds to help area schools.

Our efforts to help those in need stretches from the deep south side of Chicago to the northwest portion of the city. From Harvey to Robbins, from Englewood to the Austin neighborhood, we endeavor to help students and their families forge ahead in the classroom and beyond. We bring support to students who are in need of everyday classroom supplies, school uniforms, band instruments and much more.

I'll be sending out our annual mailer in a few short weeks and you will be able to get a first hand glimpse of just how successful our efforts have been over recent years.

Looking forward to making 2015 a resounding success!


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