Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Don't Beat Them Up

I find it interesting and most revealing that the so called 'reformers' are hell bent on complaining about high teacher salaries or the fact that they have summer vacations. What I find even more intriguing is the fact that none of these 'reformers' ever discusses the work load of teachers or students.

The field of teaching has changed in many ways over the past couple of decades. Bottom line, whether reformers want to believe it or not, we ask teachers to perform more in-class and out-of-class tasks than ever before. In short, we expect teachers to be more productive.

One word to the wise for everyone willing to pile more obligations onto the backs of teachers. Look out, you just might break one of the most precious commodities that exists in terms of raising and caring for your children.

I think it would be interesting to take a look at the longer hours worked and the additional responsibilities placed on teachers relative to their pay and then compare it to 20 years ago.

Here's my guess...people are continuing to get a real bargain with America's public school teachers in 2015!!


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