Thursday, February 12, 2015

Resource Teachers - How?

Yesterday I commented that the two things most needed by teachers that leads to job satisfaction, being motivated and inspired. Provide teachers with the resources they need and accord them the respect, dignity and concern they deserve as professionals. In other words treat them like family.

Let me tackle the first one...resourcing teachers. Okay, it sounds easy but it often turns out to be anything other than easy.

First of all, administration needs to ask staff what they need and administration should fight like crazy to obtain those supplies and resources. Administration should not make teachers jump through hoops and red tape to acquire what is needed. In fact, administration needs to trust their teachers in terms of making such requests.

Often, teachers have to go through many catalogs and brochures to find the exact items needed for the classroom. The budget can't be the only thing that justifies the purchase of needed items. If dept. chairs and teachers do their homework, that should be enough for administration. We trust teachers with the kids, we need to trust them with spending.

These are reasonable suggestions and should be followed.


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