Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Teaching Then and Today

As I am drinking coffee this morning and thinking of issues to comment on for today's blog it suddenly dawned on me that one of the hot button issues of today deals with teacher competence/evaluations. The issue is worth commenting on for a number of reasons but one stands out above all.

In my view, the quality of teaching (teacher competence) today has never been better!

As I reflect upon my own education from the 1950's through 2000 and consider the people I taught with during that era and measure that against the quality of teaching I have witnessed in Hinsdale, Chicago, New Orleans, Galveston and other areas impacted by the work of Schools Count Corp, I can say that the services delivered today are much improved over that from years ago.

Yeah, I know what everyone is saying about teachers, test scores and the like. Lots of people complaining. That, in and of itself, is one of the problems. Today, unlike in the past, people can be 'cable news experts' on education.

Don't delude yourself, for one minute, into thinking that your child is being shortchanged. Today, much more so than in the past, teachers have to deal with a plethora of concerns; emotional-social issues, inclusion, IEP's, 504 plans, the delivery of multiple curriculums within a class period and more.

The days of telling a child to take out his/her book, read it, and keep quiet are over. 'Stand and deliver' has been replaced with a higher quality teacher and we are all the better for it.


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