Sunday, January 29, 2012

'Don't Obsess on Selective Enrollment'

These are the words from today's Chicago Tribune article in which CPS Chief Jean-Claude Brizard emphasized that the best school options come from improving neighborhood campuses. Said Brizard, "I think as a community we're a bit too obsessed with selective enrollment."

These comments were made at the New Schools Expo at Soldier Field on Saturday, January 28th. He added, "What we have to do, folks, is create great schools for kids, no matter where they are."

I'm not always in agreement with Mr. Brizard but, on this issue, there is common ground. Many neighborhoods lack security; job, social, safety, etc. Another form of security can be maintained by keeping students in schools that are working hard and helping kids progress. Notice, I said nothing about test scores.

Whenever children, and their parents, can find peace of mind, a decent education and other forms of stability, withing their communities, then everyone will be all the better for it.

Shipping children around the city to selective schools, closing neighborhood schools that are doing a credible job, and tearing down pillars of crumbling communities is not the answer. On this topic, Mr. Brizard has it right. People 'shouldn't obsess about selective enrollment.'


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