Monday, January 9, 2012

Commentary on 'Race to the Top'

Yesterday I reported on some of the states lack of progress with respect to their follow through with regard to their use of $4 billion in 'Race to the Top' funding.

I believe there is an inherent flaw in any program that is a 'race.' Education isn't a 'race' and never has been. Education is a long term endeavor. This 'race' label has all the trappings of states trying to 'out do' one another merely to garner the funds. If that is the case, that's shameful!

The idea of a 'race' is that there is/are winner(s) and loser(s). it's quite conceivable that the 'losers' are as deserving, perhaps even more so, than the 'winners.' I'm sure the marketing and sales approach of the states that received 'Race to the Top' monies outperformed the states who were left wanting.

I know of schools here in Illinois that don't have the very basic student and teacher materials. There are schools, who want to wash the clothing of their students, in need of washing machines and dryers. If such needs don't qualify for help then I don't know what qualifies. Perhaps I don't want to know!


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