Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And the Role of the Teacher...

As I was pondering the implementation of a longer school day at CPS next year, it dawned on me that adding 90 to 140 minutes to the existing day is quite significant.
Then the question hit me...what role did the teachers play, or not, in determining what specific curriculum will be implemented?

I am not talking about how the CPS Teacher's Union weighed in on the matter though I am not discounting their importance. I am sure there are many thoughtful people within the CPS hierarchy who have their heads on straight and can be of great assistance in this matter.

But here's the critical point...the people in the trenches, day in and day out, know the needs of the children. The teachers know the strength and weaknesses of the kids and, as such, must be part of the process.

If teachers aren't consulted then we have lost an important element that should be part of the process. Another reason to consult with teachers is this...they are the ones who have to deliver the additional subject matter. Curriculum should be added to the lengthened day that teachers can effectively deliver to the students.

When teachers are an integral part of the process, and buy into it, then the chances improve that the lengthened school day will produce great results.


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