Thursday, February 21, 2019

Not a Good Sign

A couple of days ago The University of Illinois at Chicago released some colored maps revealing the location of income classes over a period of a number of decades. What the maps show is that the middle class, by income, has diminished in a very big way throughout the city. As the decades have crept by the maps indicate that there is an emerging growth in higher incomes as well as those with lower incomes.

What does this have to do with jobs and schools/education? Everything!! Where the map reveals lower incomes one finds that the schools with various struggles are to be found in those locations. It's as if there are two cities!! And as I make my way through the south side and west side it is hard to argue this point. And indeed, if this is the case, the next mayor will be presented with a massive challenge.

Over the next couple of days I'll delve into much more of this changing economic/social tide.


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