Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Add Your Voice

Public education needs you right now. This is urgent call to action for all supporters.

I have made it clear that our public schools are often underfunded, programs are being eliminated, teachers are confronted with a growing laundry list of 'to do' tasks, standardized testing has become part of the curriculum for all purposes, and the rolls of college graduates who would go into teaching are shrinking.

Those are but a few of issues facing everyone involved in public education. I am asking each of you in your own way to fight back in some way. There are plenty of ways to get engaged.

Tell teachers you appreciate their work. Get involved with the local board of education. Contact any government official and ask them to find dollars to fund various initiatives. Work on a referendum for your local school. Be a mentor/tutor in a school near where you live.
Go to work for Schools Count. Write a letter to the editor in support of public education.

The list goes on but please find a way to add your voice.

Thank you,

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