Friday, February 1, 2019

Just a Sampling

The Polar Vortex hit much of the Midwest with a blast of cold air the likes we haven't seen for some time. So while everyone was hunkered down for the better of 48 hours that left our students and teachers with no classes for at least two days. While I don't know what the students were up to, I can tell you that three teachers I was in touch with weren't exactly idle.

These three teachers were spending hours on calendars and curriculum work aside from other teaching responsibilities. Why do I mention this seemingly trite point? These staff members are like the many others I didn't communicate with during the onset of the arctic cold. No doubt others were engaged in grading and the like.

Point is that much of America can't come close to understanding the commitment teachers gladly and willingly take on. The next time someone decides to provide a verbal polar vortex pointed at our teachers perhaps you can let them know how indispensable they are to the very fabric of our country.


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