Monday, September 17, 2018

The Harsh and Sad Reality

It will come as no surprise to many that the west side and south side CPS schools are seeing their enrollment tumble. Along with the loss of population in these neighborhoods there is a loss of many other social and economic institutions and safeguards. But this just a small part of the story.

The Sunday Chicago Tribune also put a spotlight on the 'less access to top programs for black, latino students.' To that point the Tribune noted that 'Citywide, 45 percent of black students attend Level 1 or 1-plus schools while 91 percent of white students attend top rated schools.'

To be sure, there are many factors that can account for the above discrepancy but at its very basic level the fact that the chasm exist is great cause for concern. Will or can this difference in 'access to top programs' be addressed is anyone's guess.


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