Tuesday, September 4, 2018

CPS Graduation Rates Tick Up

Of course its great news that the graduation rates are trending in a positive direction at CPS schools. Roughly 78% of the high school students graduated in 2018, within five years, starting in the ninth grade. Positive news is always welcome.

One of the continuing alarming trends is the fact that the district's overall five year graduation rates for African American and Latino students saw scant change from 2017. Just as alarming is the fact that the five year span for graduation for black males sits at slightly less than 65% for 2018.

With a district the size of CPS and the various outside-of-school factors affecting African-Americans and Latino students in their respective communities not only raising graduation rates but, even more importantly, attending to other student needs will take herculean efforts in the coming years.

At any rate, let's hope that positive results continue to take place for ALL CPS students.


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