Thursday, September 6, 2018

More on the Mayor and Education

In the wake of Mayor Emanuel opting not to seek a third term I mentioned that at least two issues with regard to education will be critical for candidates to address for those seeking to succeed Emanuel. For one the next mayor will need to thaw what has been a frosty relationship between City Hall and the Chicago Teacher's Union. A second issue revolves around whether the new mayor will keep an appointed school board or move to have the members chosen directly by the constituents.

There is a third major issue that must be addressed. Will the new mayor fully support neighborhood public schools? I have written extensively in the past few years about how selective schools and charters have essentially undermined the viability and vitality of neighborhood schools.

Anyone who doubts that these issues will play a critical role in the minds of the voters doesn't grasp the concerns of the public with regard to the issues that the new mayor will have to address.


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