Thursday, May 3, 2018

Schools Today

Years ago we had the same reader as our brothers and sisters if not for our parents. There were no computer labs, no one to one learning, few if any Special Education classes and fewer sports/activities. And there were plenty of other resources that are present today that weren't even thought about.

As you are well aware that's not the case today. The resources and supplies needed today are extensive and many are expensive. That's not to say they aren't needed...they certainly are warranted. The services being rendered are much different than 50 or 60 years ago.

I mention this because in this day and age of teacher strikes, the demands of educating children and more it should not come as a surprise that school districts are asking for additional funding in terms of referendums. People can't expect to pay the same amount in property taxes as they did in the past.

I say all of this as the debate continues about school funding, so called school reform and more. As is always the case, one must educate themselves about how effectively your dollars are being used.


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