Tuesday, May 1, 2018

More on the Underserved

One of the many points of contention with regard to assisting young people with respect to obtaining assess to college revolves around the issue that these individuals, who are admitted, may well be taking the place of an individual who has higher test scores and can afford to pay the tuition.

That is not 'fake news.' It is a legitimate concern for the university at large as well as for those who are denied entrance even though they seem to have the required funds and test scores for entrance.

So why admit those who are from the lower socio-economic rungs? Many of the those at various universities, along with the Gates', see that these individuals as hard working and eager to get ahead but for the lack of money. These same university presidents and provosts believe that the underserved deserve a shot at the so called American Dream. They also believe that the university benefits from the standpoint of adding to its diverse student population.

From my point of view...kudos to those involved in helping those who need a bit of help.


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