Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sad News

Our charity has worked with the Harvey IL School District 152 for a number of years. During this period we have been fortunate to assist six elementary schools and one middle school. But poverty, the loss of jobs and the attending drop in the community population has meant a decline in school enrollment.

This past year Lowell Longfellow Elementary was shuttered and next year Sandburg Elementary will also close their doors. There aren't enough children to warrant keeping these two schools open. There's enough room in the other five district schools to house the students.

I want everyone to know that these two schools did NOTHING wrong! There were, and are, plenty of good teachers and eager students in both Longfellow and Sandburg. Too often, those who know next to nothing about conditions in the community are too eager to place the blame at the doorstep of the teachers and those in charge of the schools.

To those who work in our charity as well as those who were part of Longfellow and Sandburg please know your efforts were, and are, most meaningful and greatly appreciated.


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