Thursday, April 19, 2018

Teacher Crisis - Don't Tolerate It!

Yesterday I brought you the news that there are over 200 openings in schools in Kane County, IL. This is a county that should have plenty of access to teacher recruits given its proximity to Chicago and many surrounding area universities. Obviously, much more is at issue here.

Whether it's people bellyaching about teachers, reformers (often critics of public education) who champion other delivery systems, a loss of funding for a variety of reasons and a whole host of other issues, one thing is clear...the teacher shortage is growing and many students are suffering as a result.

I have taught for over thirty years and have been fortunate to work with great individuals in our charity for over a decade but the time has come to take the gloves off. Ignoring this problem, and others associated with it, has to come to a grinding halt. Unless individuals step up to say no more and unless we get engaged in preserving the sanctity of the profession of teaching we are in for a rough ride.

I am asking those of you who work with us, donate funds, volunteer or who otherwise support the cause of assisting students and teachers in need to redouble your efforts. How can this be done you ask?

Let govt. officials know how you feel, donate to causes that aid students and teachers, get on a school board, write an op-ed to voice your concern. The ways to let people know how you feel about this crisis is only limited by not getting involved. Everyone is needed.


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