Thursday, April 5, 2018

Funding Crisis on Display

Many people are wondering why there are school teacher walkouts in Kentucky, Oklahoma and - potentially - Arizona. Let me share some hard and fast facts with you on how the state legislatures of these respective states have whittled away at the funding of public education.

In the period between 2008-2017 the state funding formula, per student, has declined at an alarming rate. Oklahoma has the dubious distinction of seeing a reduction during that time frame of 26.9%. Sadly, Kentucky, ranked as the third worst, has seen a drop in funding of 13.1% while Arizona ranks as the fifth worst with a decline of 12.8% in state funding per student during the 2008-2017 period.

These funding cuts are drastic and over that period of time such draconian funding reductions will result in a loss of sorts of important resources. Say what you want but the state legislatures need to face up to the fact that they have been a root cause of the walkouts.


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