Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Speaking Up on Behalf of Students

Arizona, West Virginia, Kentucky and now Oklahoma. What do they have in common you ask? They are states where teachers have had enough, enough of not getting the support they need for the children they instruct. Quarter century old and out-of-date textbooks, rickety desks, overcrowded classroom conditions and poorly resourced curriculum are but some of the complaints of these teachers.

These aren't small concerns or issues facing the teachers in the above states and in other areas of America. Too many public schools are not properly funded. Let me put it this way. If teachers don't speak up then nothing will change. And by the way, wouldn't you, as a parent, want your child's teacher to be properly resourced?

We are the wealthiest nation in the world and yet we are ignoring what has been one of the hallmarks of our success...public education. I'm tired of it and the rest of the citizens of the United States need to heed the call of our teachers and also speak up on behalf of our children.


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