Monday, January 23, 2017

Sounds Good, But...

The Chicago Public Schools have, as one of their missions, the lofty goal of seeing to it that '100% of the students are college ready and 100% college bound.' On the surface that sounds great. In fact, who doesn't hope that a huge portion of the students make it to this point. In a way, I'm not quibbling with this but I believe there is a more proposition that ought to be put forward by the brass.

Perhaps other goals ought to become more prominent in terms of REALLY helping the students and their families. Developing some realistic goals for growth and proficiency should certainly be realized for all children. Developing a love of learning (okay, so it's not measurable but it is critical), helping students realize their potential, and seeing to it that there are other goals to fulfill other than college are essential.

By no means am I suggesting that CPS shouldn't push college but they ought to think about the students in other ways. In fact, no school; suburban, rural or inner city should think that college is an 'end all.'


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