Monday, January 30, 2017

Children and 'The Ban'

Our charity works with many children in the city of Chicago as well as plenty of other cities in America over these past ten years. I can tell you that many of the students are often confronted with sizable problems and issues that make it difficult for a 5 year old or 10 year old to overcome let alone flourish.

A good number of these children are either 'Dreamers' or they simply are of a different ancestry - not necessarily from the seven countries outlined in the Executive Order - and I have had reports that they are scared. Scared they will be deported, scared that someone in their family will be ousted or afraid for a friend or classmate. This fear just adds to the difficulties they face.

The fact of the matter is one should be put in a position while attending school that they should fear something or someone. The ban implemented has far reaching effects and it is felt in America's classrooms.

Not here, not in our classrooms.


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