Thursday, January 26, 2017

CPS To Shorten the School Year?

The monthly CPS Board of Education meeting, held yesterday, found one member suggesting that having fewer school days may help ease the budget crunch. Public school students have to, by law, attend a minimum of 176 school days. Right now, the schools are credited with holding classes for 178 days.

It has been revealed that it costs roughly $12 million a day to operate the schools. With the district looking for ways to counter the sought after state money, that it didn't receive, of $215 for teacher pensions, it appears that setting up some furlough days might just well be on the horizon.

At a time when everyone is screaming for schools and teachers to do more for students, the proposition of cutting back on instruction days flies in the face of doing what's right by students and their families. Granted, the budget crisis is real but putting it on the backs of the kids is wrong.


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