Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Totally Disagree

Sunday's Chicago Tribune carried an editorial entitled 'A Schoolchild's Bill of Rights.' While I agree with a good portion of it there is a troubling and harmful portion dealing with 'School Choice for all families.' I absolutely agree that parents can certainly send their children to private or ethnic schools of any sort.

Short of the above, public education is a must and though there are some good charters out there it ought to be understood that a fair portion of them are underfunded and that many simply don't take in 100% of the students who could attend. To be clear there are charters who don't welcome all.

There are charters that simply don't offer a full and comprehensive curriculum with the activities and athletics which the students so fully deserve. This country must protect a fair, full and public education for all. We can't shortchange students in any way, shape or form when it comes to their education.

Sorry my friends, some charters don't measure up.


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