Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ramications for Education - Something to Ponder

The Sept. 5th edition of Time magazine has, as its cover story, "Ordinary Families. Extraordinary Kids." As I read the piece and went through it a second time, I believe there are lessons that ought to be gleaned from the lives of the nine families. As I reflect on the work of Schools Count and those we work with I thought I would convey some of these real life stories to those of you who follow our blog/facebook.

For those families who were part of the story in Time who were immigrants they had this to say [from an Indian family in Kansas]; "We made a conscious decision that we are different enough, so we should do everything we can to make the kids feel part of their community." The children who were raised by this particular family said that they grew up "understanding that the family was more important than the individual."

The above children are now adults but along the way, in their education, these lessons were taught and learned. I believe that these imperatives will do much to help our youth in our schools.


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