Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Thank you Luscombe

Luscombe Music in Elmhurst always steps forward to help us when we want to build a band program. This summer is no different. Laura Peterson, the owner of Luscombe, developed a program this summer which allowed owners of musical instruments to donate them to Luscombe so that we could, in turn, provide them to Yates Elementary in Chicago.

Luscombe collected trombones, a violin, trumpets, a guitar, a violin, an oboe, flutes and much more. Not only did Luscombe collect the instruments but, at their cost, did the necessary repairs so that all of the instruments are in top playing condition. Aside from this terrific effort Luscombe sold me new instruments at a very low price. So, all in all, Luscombe Music has done amazing work to get the Yates band program up and running starting today, Sept. 6th

Thank you Laura Peterson, John Scoville and the many donors!!!


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