Thursday, April 14, 2016

Really Guys...It Took You This Long?!

No surprise...The multiple stakeholders in the city's CPS high schools have coming to the shocking notion - it isn't shocking since it has been well known for so long by most - that CPS should not consider opening or closing any more high schools until the district comes up with a citywide plan that considers neighborhood needs.

This really isn't news at all. Everyone gets it.

Perhaps Generation All leader, Beatriz Ponce de Leon said it best when she noted "While some people think competition is good and forces everyone to do better, it also...calls for some schools to fail or be impacted in a way that they can't keep up."

Of course neighborhood schools may not be able to 'keep up' because of unemployment, stagnant wages, low property values, fewer tax dollars coming in and a whole host of other factors that limit the ability of the schools to 'keep up.' Just what these power brokers will do about it; well, that remains a mystery.


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