Tuesday, April 12, 2016

No Money, No School

Chicago Alderman Howard Brookins Jr. hit the proverbial nail on the head regarding the planned for 'selective' north side prep school. It is a school supported by Mayor Emanuel but Brookins made clear that "If there's a need and the money, yes [go ahead and build it]. If there's the need and no money, no."

There you have it. If the money isn't there then it doesn't matter if it's a charter, neighborhood or selective school...don't build it.

The climate isn't right given the fact that CPS is operating in the red, a $676 million payment has to be made to the teachers pension fund by June 30 and the nerves are still raw from CPS closing 50 schools a couple of years ago. Add to this the fact that schools (as reported on this blog) have had their individual budgets and staff slashed on a number of occasions in the past few months and you have the ingredients for greater turmoil.

Brookins has it right, if the money ain't there then we aren't building a school.


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